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Coordinated Entry System

03.03.25 Street Outreach, Drop-In, & Shelter Providers - New CE Policy & Prioritization Expectations

This online webinar will take place through Zoom. Please complete registration by selecting "register for webinar" below and following all steps to finish registering through Zoom.

Description: The Coordinated Entry Leadership Team has approved a new Coordinated Entry Policy and an updated Prioritization Plan. The Coordinated Entry Policy includes new expectations for programs participating in Chicago’s Coordinated Entry System, while the Prioritization Plan impacts how participants will be prioritized for limited CoC housing resources. This webinar will share important information about the new expectations for Crisis Response Providers (Street Outreach, Drop-In, & Emergency Shelter), based on the new Policy & Prioritization Plan. This will include information about the new Priority List, pre-engagement, and more.

Recommended Audience: Street outreach, drop-in, and shelter providers

Presenters: Joy Menhennett & Deshea Meely, from All Chicago's Coordinated Entry Team

Date: 03/03/2025 Time of training: 1-2:30pm Training Format: Live Webinar

  • Register for Webinar
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever