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CoC System Goals & 2022 Outcomes Data

This is a recording of a webinar that took place on March 1st, 2023

Description: The System Goals are the shared goals of the Chicago CoC and help the CoC understand its impact and inform its work to prevent and end homelessness in Chicago. This presentation provides information about the CoC’s System Goals and data from the 2022 annual report. This includes outcomes data for each of the metrics from 2019 – 2022, highlights from data broken out by demographics or other factors, and key take away points. The full System Goals Annual Report for 2022 is available on the All Chicago webpage.

Recommended Audience: All CoC stakeholders; administrative and development staff members; government or private philanthropy stakeholders; persons involved in Chicago CoC committees, lines-of-action, or affinity groups

Presenter: Doug Nichols, Data & Evaluation Manager, All Chicago

Date: 03/01/2023 Training Format: Recorded Webinar

  • Recording of Webinar
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever